what to reply when someone says omg

Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. 'That's okay' suggests that a verbal thank you is sufficient, and no further appreciation is required. A: Hello, Annie. In reality, even if we do not feel as good as we might say, it is more strategic to stick with neutral responses to preserve our privacy. We can use this response in both spoken and written conversational contexts, such as when communicating with either familiar or slightly distant people. ), but where people will for some reason @ mention you in the post comments. The most important thing to establish when you are responding to, In many ways, responding to someone being rude is like. There is a continuum of compliments from superficial to personal: "I like that shirt" is something you can say to a stranger. Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? This not only shows them and other offenders that she is serious about her platform, but it also shows her true fans and audience that she cares about them. Personally, it's a saying I use a fair amount and I hear it quite often too. Whether you need consulting, a prolific speaker for your next event, webinar training, or online self-guided trainings, there are numerous options for working with Jenn. rev2023.4.21.43403. Copyright Jenn's Trends and Jenn Herman. Same as usual also communicates neutrality and non-reciprocity. And which do you pre Are these two sentences correct? Hows yours?. Instagram does review this feedback in its analysis of what accounts are adhering to their terms. Native English speakers, could you please tell me how you say this naturally in English? If they thank you for accepting their apology: "No worries, we all make mistakes.". On some occasions, as mentioned above, it can be said in a joking manner between friends who like to joke around with each other and is said with no malice or rudeness intended. This is called being "social" . In these situations, the extra step makes you more genuine and relatable. If you want to respond to someone rudely saying, Who asked? in a way that demonstrates that you have no time for their immature behavior, you can say that whoever it was that asked was smart enough to understand your answer. She is a sought-after and international speaker providing tips, resources, and training for organizations of all sizes that need to structure their social media strategies. Can you make it better? and Bad, but it would be better if you ask me out. Otherwise, we can stick with the usual responses like Great, thanks. In other words, the response Great! A: Good morning, Mr. Willard. I got his answers very helpful and to the point. Clever responses are better for when you are maybe annoyed or angered by the person who said smd and you want to one-up them with a clever response that makes you look smart. Its me, Marcel. How to use the expression "thank you for the kind words". A whole conversation in emoticons does sound delightful. Can I use it when say someone leaves a useful comment under my post? If you want to convey that you are the definition of at wits end with the person youre speaking to, this is a great way to respond to Who asked?, Another great response to Who asked? that allows you to clearly assert your boundaries while remaining appropriately mature and respectful, is Excuse me?. It's like when you receive a compliment; with some people you say thank you, with others you laugh it off, with others you compliment them back. Is my English natural? What's the difference between "take it easy" and "take care" when you are parting from someone? Not too loud. Again, if you want to find a way to seal the deal, throwing in a coupon code for them (DM or in a comment) will both show your appreciation, customer service, and be more likely to convert the sale. 4 [deleted] 4 yr. ago Bowing my head, and saying "Blessed be the name of the Lord!". I've spent too much time with you. This one is relatively better because of its grammatical completeness which meanwhile suggests formal language use. "text": "As long as the other person knows your whereabouts or usual routine, “Same as usual. Here Are 30 Things To Do When You Don't Know What to Say One of the most common and lighthearted responses to Hows your day? is Great! Make sure you dont take the other persons rudeness to heart or let it ruin your day. How to respond politely when someone tells you something useful? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If the intent is to be playful and witty, we can say something like Not that good. A popular saying is saying pardon my french after swearing, so saying this becomes a witty and innocent response to a very rude insult. There will be no doubt in anyones mind not only about how you feel but also that you are not someone to be trifled with. Thanks for stopping by and for asking this question. 12+ Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Rat When someone calls you a rat, they're not trying to be nice. I worked shortly today and just spent the rest of the afternoon talking with a friend at a coffee shop. Dont respond to their smd taunt. We can use this response in both spoken and written conversational contexts, such as when communicating with either familiar or slightly distant people. If the comments are vulgar and inappropriate (and unrelated to the product or content in the photo), then I say its ok to delete. Their comments typically offer some variation of a compliment on the content. I wouldn't use them every day, but they're not uncommon. Another response to Who asked that you can deliver in a calm tone is, Who asked you to listen?. What youre saying is essentially, Im so shocked by the rudeness of that response that I can only imagine I must have misheard or misunderstood you., This response conveys a similar message to Excuse me?. Thanks!) When using this formula, it is important that we do not elaborate too much on everything that happened during the day. By saying that they cannot keep up with the conversation, you are suggesting that they are too slow to understand what is really being talked about. Only do this if they are actual spammers or cyber bullies and not legitimate fans voicing an opinion. Hows your day? 15 Best Text Message Responses When People Don't Text Back - Winkgo Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In these cases, you have a ready-made response. With a reciprocative goal, adding the question Hows yours? makes this response even more polite than it already is. B: It was a pretty normal day. The go-to's for replies are usually: - aww, thank you Copyright @ mindful-messages.com 2023 | Privacy Policy | Contact, can be done by using expressions like Im doing well or Im doing good., can be done by using more personalized or humorous phrases like Cant complain or even My rent!. or "what's up?" For example, instead of asking if they had a good vacation, ask them what the highlight of it was. . Be confident: Speak in a confident manner when responding to a compliment and make it seem as if you get compliments all of the time. Counting and finding real solutions of an equation, Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper. Hows your day? It means exactly that. Sometimes its just best to be clever in your response to make the other person seem dumb or silly. Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is have your writing corrected by a native speaker! How to Deal With People Who Won't Respond | The Muse Texting truly is an art form. "acceptedAnswer": { I think a simple "thanks" is polite enough. If you have any questions about my blog or social media consulting services, I encourage you to contact me. Only thing that is pleasing about our relationship is that you are no longer in it. Those three words can signal that even if you don't take the comment personally, you didn't really appreciate it. 8. What Should You Say? How to Respond to Comments on Instagram People may appreciate the beauty of the image, the artistic composition of the photo, the value of the quote, or some other aspect. Since you can't do anything about these posts, I can't really help there. There are a lot of spam posts out there (not your content, I know! How to Easily Measure All Your Social ROI with One Tool. Having said that, It wasnt bad. If someone compliments you, there is no need to be shy about it. Be specific and helpful - this your real opportunity to provide value to your audience. Something like "I hadn't tried that yet" or "What a clever suggestion" or "I really like that idea" in response to their comment is a good way to acknowledge their comment. For example, you might say, " I'm glad you asked! "Thank you for the kind words" - Use It Like a Pro! If it's about something I made (normally the case) I say "I'm so glad you like it." How to Make a Black glass pass light through it? That is, if it's good for people to genuinely show appreciation for good things, the emphasis in your response can be more on the "Thank so much, that's kind. If they've answered a question or provided specifics, I again recommend you personalize your response. When someone communicates the same intent to use, we could respond in a multitude of ways depending on what we would like to convey. That will certainly deprive the other person of his or her speaking time when in fact he or she is just trying to start a conversation. Depends on the compliment, but "thank you" should suffice. Even though the person youre speaking to is in fact being serious and did seriously just say, Who asked? the question Are you being serious? is a highly appropriate one under the circumstances. Then you could respond with a simple thank you or even a complimentary emoji who doesnt love a whole convo exclusively in emojis? Meanwhile, we use relatively neutral to casual responses to those we are somewhat or very familiar with like colleagues, friends, and family members. Its so small. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. }, The 23 Best Ways to Respond to Whats good. At least take me to dinner and a movie first. 130+ Good Comebacks to Win Arguments | Thought Catalog Perhaps you gave someone advice on how to handle a tricky situation. And yours? or All good. Sharing negative personal experiences, especially to strangers, is something we naturally do to avoid getting why-questions in return. BEAT THEIR ASS OMG LET ME REPLY GIVE IT TO ME HAND IT OVER NOW. If somebody rudely interrupts you to say, Who asked? or Who asked you? it can be tempting to bite back immediately with a rude response. No way, I dont know where that thing has been! Again, rudeness is never the goal. 20 of the Best Responses When Someone Asks, "What's going on?" It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general. Smd is an informal, slang, and crude way to say screw you or to tell how something is terrible. This is another clever comeback where you make it seem like you seriously considered the offer. Witty responses are better suited for more casual scenarios like a conversation with friends. I know there have got to be classy ways to do this because its a normal part of life and it occurred to me that I haven't noticed anyone else handle it notably. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. To answer when someone asks how you are, say "Fine, thanks" or "I'm good, thanks" if you're responding casually. A more grammatically complete and, therefore, formal response than Great! 1- Look up at our beautiful flag. Geeeee!I mean, we knew it was inevitable we'd hit this milestone but Instagram/Meta has been super tight lipped about, If youre tired of seeing weird videos or photos in your Explore page, content from people you dont really want in. "Thanks, I appreciate that." I have a friend who cannot take a compliment, and every time I say something nice she would say the total opposite of what I said. Or you could swing by their profile and comment or like some of their content to reciprocate. Hows your day? 11. } Thank you. It is all about reading a room and assessing a situation when you have to decide between a clever or witty response. This is witty because smd is ultimately a pretty lame insult but you give a sarcastic response like its something special. "Thank you! Please share: {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, 3 Ways To Get More Views On Instagram Reels, How to Add A Lead Form To Your Instagram Profile. And if you want to be emphatic, there's nothing wrong with "Thank you very much!". If you are in the middle of telling a story or expressing an opinion, and someone interrupts to say, Who asked? you have every right to feel offended. I f. Every time you comment, you're positive and uplifting. Sometimes it's just their Instagram username, other times it's their name and a question or comment. with the person youre speaking to, this is a great way to respond to Who asked?. Some people are rude. The person who hears this as a response will surely be elated because you acknowledged their kind gesture. Sometimes it's just best to be clever in your response to make the other person seem dumb or silly. Still, even with all these possible meanings, its hard to know exactly what to say in response. Meanwhile, another polite and grateful response to Hows your day? is It went really well. 25 Better Ways to Respond to Any Kinds of "Thank You" - Tosaylib This is important in growing your community and actually building relationships with your audience. Thanks. Otherwise, simply ignoring or even deleting the comment is an alternative. 9. When your conversation with someone ends with hi or hello, this could be a response to talk about something further. Why so? "@type": "Question", } Thanks. Hows your day? "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret now would it?" - This should be enough to stop them from pressing you further. You can cleverly respond by also asking a question to which the implied answer is also no one., By saying, Who taught you your manners in response to someone saying, Who asked? you are essentially saying, No one, just like no one taught you how to be polite.. Thank you. Unlike responding to compliments, responding to petty comments can be tiring. With this responses relatively polite tone, we can even use this in email exchanges with those we usually communicate with. Nothing special is something we could use when talking to people with whom we are close enough. Thank you very much. Welcome to Grammarhow!We are on a mission to help you become better at English. - happy to help! It is a shortened of either How was your day? or How is your day? which means it could either be in the simple past or present form. As for comments with only emoticons, it depends on the emoticon. My friend is never part of the argument, the comments just take on a life of their own. If they called out specifics or got detailed in their comments, responding with a similar level of personalization is ideal. When someone says something cutting or unkind, many of us feel a strong desire to bite back with a question or statement that reciprocates the tone of the other persons comment. I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. Keep your wits about you and dont hastily try to make it up to them. But first, why do people even say or write that? 13 Great Ways to Respond to Hows your day?, 27 Great Ways to Respond to Feedback (Positive, Negative), 11 Great Ways to Respond to a Canceled Date, How to Respond when someone Says Hi 14 Best Ways, The 36 Best Ways to Respond to I Miss You Messages & Texts, 12 Great Ways to Reply to an I have a crush on you Text, Cover Letter for an On-Campus Job Examples & Tips, Fumbled the bag Meaning, Context & Examples, Accented e Everything You Have to Know About , 209 Awesome Business Conversation Starters for any Setting, Formal Letter Format How to Write a Perfect Formal Letter, Musical Instruments Vocabulary from A to Z Examples & List, Address Line 2 Heres What to Put When a Form Asks for It. This is a third witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. I stopped giving her compliments and encouragement. When Im starting to feel bad? It helped me in various situations. Related: Perfect Replies to "You're Welcome" 19. A clever response can be to pretend to not understand the statement. In other words, this response could make them feel awkward or even embarrassed in worse-case scenarios. herself. Now you ask a question at least to give this person a topic to say something more. To make Pretty good. These cute, silly comments are a great way to make him smile. It's like when you receive a compliment; with some people you say thank you, with others you laugh it off, with others you compliment them back. I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence. Here are some good comebacks for when someone calls you a rat: I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. By saying, Who speaks like that? youre suggesting that the way the person who has interrupted you is speaking is so out of the ordinary as to be ridiculous. Why are you behaving the way you are?. So instead of trying to craft the perfect sentence in advance, just keep in mind these 4 words: "Thank you I'm glad". Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. 23. This way it becomes a positive message and supportive stance rather than looking like shes just deleting anything she doesnt agree with. If the intent is to be nice and funny, a possible response to Hows your day? when a girl, particularly a girlfriend prospect, asks is Waiting for you to ask me out or Youre being nosy. This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by suggesting that you would enjoy doing it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-leader-3','ezslot_20',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-leader-3-0'); This witty response takes the tactic of pretending the offer was genuine and kicks it up a notch by suggesting that you are too expensive for them to handle. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? But as I mention frequently, I recommend she explain why. It is one of the best ways to respond to a remark. You just take my breath away. 3 Responding to the Wrong Number I think you may have the wrong number. 140 Funny Things to Say In ANY Situation | Science of People Can you make it better?” and “Bad, but it would be better if you ask me out.” Otherwise, we can stick with the usual responses like “Great, thanks. Make them uncomfortable. "To cut the long story short, when I ar Last week I did a university-entrance-exam model of test at school for the English subject. If you're not witnessing a true miracle, don't thank God for it. Hilarious Comebacks To Use On Friends Unsplash / NeONBRAND The best comebacks make you look mature. Thanks for sharing your insights on that. Do you have any unique or rewarding ways to respond to comments on Instagram? Something as simple as "Thank you" or "Thanks" or "Glad you liked this one" is more than fine. If they thank you for being there for them in a rough time: "Of course, I'm always here for you.". These are often some of the most common comments you'll receive on your posts. You like me already, don’t you?” Otherwise, we can use “Great. I was just about to explain. The go-to's for replies are usually: Hows your day? I've remembered that all these years, and it's so true! Obviously some are trying for followers, but I dont want to be polite. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? 25 Best Comebacks To "Suck My D*ck" (Witty & Clever) 12. 16 Great Ways to Respond to wtw in Text, 11 Ways to Respond to an Apology from a Friend, Linguaholic 2023 |Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Careers. Im so glad you found this post helpful! That said, I think they're all good, except number 3. What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? You've probably heard someone say it. Whether something sounds bitchy or appreciative is much more due to tone of voice. Y u No text me back." 3) I think this person will be waiting a long time for that essay. Ask a native! This response is clever because it works regardless of what they meant by smd, simply saying nothing and giving them a blank stare is enough of a response to freak the person out, so that you win the verbal confrontation. If the person tagged responds with a positive comment (they like them, they want it, so pretty, etc.) On the Mindful Messages blog, it is all about finding the right words for different types of texts and responses. Thank the original person for sharing, and show your gratitude that the tagged person liked the product. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. When someone says, Who asked? what theyre implying is that no one asked, and that no one would ask because what youre saying is boring. "@type": "Answer", ", Depending on the situation, sometimes just "Thank you" is enough. Here are 11 ways how to respond to what are you doing when your crush/partner asks: 01 "I'm just here thinking about you." This is a cute response that will let your crush/partner feel special because you're letting him/her know that he/she is on your mind. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. These are my tips what are yours? { Im glad this helped answer your question too . This is another witty comeback that works great because it is attacking the size of the d you were just offered to suck. Maintain your composure and stay focused on your goal. Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers. Here's how to counter who asked: Be prepared: Anticipate that you might encounter a "who asked" attack, and have a ready response prepared. I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you . Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Thank you, I think you'd look great in pink actually! 30 Best Responses when Someone Asks "What Are You Doing" An open-ended question requires them to give a more fleshed out reply. This is a great informal response to "thank you". 1. So, if someone imposes themselves on a situation by interrupting you and saying, Who asked? you can begin your response with Who asked too. Reply with "LOL" if you're amused. In text lingo, wtw means what the what, and is a way of expressing disbeliefin this case, at the rudenss of the person youre talking to.

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what to reply when someone says omg