andromedan starseed birth chart

You are not a big fan of the government and how the government is set up. I absolutely resonate with Andromedan starseed every aspect you shared in the article above totally on point. Now with even more happiness and commitment. Thank you so much! Hi Katie! Some starseeds also have multiple retrograde planets in their birth chart and some have rare astrology formationslike a grand trine or a mystic rectangle. Sleeve of tattoos I can go on. Im not saying I believe or dont believe, but I came across information from different sources that have me considering the possibility of Andromedan Starseeds, and I was really thrown by some of the information in the article. To See thru my eyes, Im a tarot reader but mostly Intuitive read the cards are there to clarify to them visually what I say. The mission of Andromedan starseeds on Earth is to finally bring peace to Earth, so its no longer enslaved by the reptilians. Happy to hear the article helped you . Secondly, Andromedans have no opinions on things like vaccines and whatever else is listed in the article. If you are (or in the future become) a public figure, the fame would not easily get to your head. Yes, that would be rare, indeed, but how is it even possible?? Are You An Andromedan Starseed? 14 Major Signs, Mission & More These starseeds have a lot of Taurus placements. The first step in determining your Starseed markings is to have a copy of your birth chart. So, you can't actually manipulate and Andromedan starseeds easily. It's 2.2 million light-years from earth and twice the size of our own galaxy. When reading this I just felt that every point was talking about me. So I guess you can say out of 51 yrs I have saw the true beauty of this place perhaps three times in my life but the illusion fades away and turns.into what is the reality of cause and effect, fear, pain and suffering negative ball of energy The world has been dark since 1969 but if humanity doesnt pay attention it will be lost to far worse effect because of the cause. Your article RESONATES. Van life in Europe sounds amazing, every Andromedans dream . All About Starseed Markings On Body and Birth Chart - The Spirit Nomad May I mention June 6th is the birthday of my 2and cousin who just sent me the star seed quiz. I suspect many Andromedans have a similar mission. Was guided here Fits perfectly! Is there anywhere to learn more about this? I have a question if anyone has an answer to it. You appear confident to the outside world, but you might struggle with self-love. I have always felt a need to help people and many thinks I am too kind, but it is in my nature. It would be great if we could get connected more or see a lot of original Andromedan souls on a big event for Andromedans. This is literally the only place I can accept naturally as home. Thankyou and blessings to you. It is estimated there are roughly 800,000 Andromedans currently living as Starseeds here among us, which is around 0.01% of the population - or 1 in 10,000 people. It's said that about 1 in every 10,000 people is an Andromedan Starseed, making them much more common than the other races. I have this tremendous care towards earth and humanity and I always feel sad whenever people are oppressed especially by the people in the higher-ups like the Government. Because of the distance of their home planets, they tend to have more trouble integrating their Andromedan energies . Can you share more info about other starseeds. I knew it. This is absolutely amazing. I am new to this world of starseeds, I know I am one, and I made my birth chart and I have the main ones, but how do I know which one I really am? What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. what can i do? Was threw back in a hospital. Im just beginning to Come into my own in this idea. A starseed is a highly advanced and gifted soul who are incarnated into a human body, but whose spirit originate from another planet, star system or Universe. Soooooo many of us waking up to our truths!!! So my psychosis seemed like heaven. Thank you for this! Being an Andromedan starseed on a reptilian-ruled planet like Earth can be frustrating at time, but we are in very exciting times now. I have had to create a kind of shield to live behind otherwise its too much. Recently Ive been consumed with the urge to research my spiritual ancestry and coming across this article has been massive help. I was shocked ! The reason I spoke of this because the things I understand now. . But there are also other sacred geometry symbols channeled by people who can connect with the Andromedan energy. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most common. Your explanation of that in this article was awesome and made a ton of sense ! Stand in my way and never give up if my presence is hurtful to anything. I have never felt like I fit in on this earth, I have been through so much and I keep going stronger than most, Im so wise for my age. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. He/She brought forth an article about all of the star-seeds and I was thoroughly intrigued! Wonder why he visited me though. The choices we makes until we all eventually awake to see the second coming of consciousness and the universal dimension we are shifted into divine timing 11,22,33 will rise again???????????????? I only use technology but not really into it. Read more about Julia Lundin. And ive been visited by the galactic federation of andromedia. Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . Unfortunately I have been struggling a lot with the low vibrations from Earth and due to anxiety disorder and depression I have been suffering a lot during my life time. Do Andromedans also appear as golden-shining entities? You believe most governments are corrupt and that its better to give citizens the freedom to choose how to live themselves. Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. So to live on a planet that is literally ruled and enslaved by Reptilians is very frustrating to Andromedan souls. This has actually been the reason for me not waking up earlier, even so I have seen 11:11 and other synchronicities throughout my whole life. Youre welcome! Got chained up thrown in a cop car and charged with a felony and told I might have to serve 14 years! My name is George. When that was restricted, I started my own business in 2009. This is absolutere me Literally Avengers.. I discovered all traits naturally, although it took me years. I have sensed this fo years but this is the first Ive actually heard. And i know it. Here are some signs you belong to the Andromedan group: You have been told that you emit an energy of peace and serenity I had a vision of a new tribe , peace, I am highly intuitive, I have always saw myself as a sage Im Cherokee Shawnee indian with Irish gypsy. I live in Poland and the fight for awakening continues. *. I have been having this weird feelings for years now and I wasnt so sure if I was the only one experiencing this. This place was like a gate of rainbow color and translucent shimmer. Now I understand why did I interesting with the word Andromeda . Starseed Origins, 11/26 . ???????????? Its a very diverse galaxy and is the home of not only Andromedans, but also Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans and the intelligent Silver Dolphins. Thrown out tripping . This spiral-shaped galaxy that you can find in the Northern sky, is around 2.5 million light years away. Anywho! You may still be a starseed even if you do not have these birth chart markings. I stood tall with a group of other beings and had the feeling of not wanting to stand out.very non egotistical. This all made so much sense to me. What are starseed markings? I feel so lost in this world and cant understand why people are so mean. Down to the vaccines blew me away that its all been unfolding!! Me and my Andromedan twin flame have had this thought many times, to move into a tiny house free from social media and tech. Dante. I Achieved Self Realization on May 21st 2020 and AM now well on my way to full Ascension with MY Higher God Self Ra. And I felt such congratulations in the air for the whole month and the guides themselves were pleased I made it through. I have no nature , no ocean and no galactic family here. It is important to not be alarmed by these frequencies that initiate contact with you as they adding love light energies to the planet in order to balance out the frequencies of the planet. It is therefore a good habit for Andromedan starseeds to listen to the sounds of nature and dolphins, meditate with ocean sounds and visit the beach and nature to revive your energy. With this ebook you will be able to identify starseed alignments in your birth chart for Andromeda, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Lyra, Draco, the Hyades, the Pleiades and more! Perhaps as a nomad or in the mountains or countryside, growing your own food. And, yes, he is a little angel, My boyfriend is actually an Arcturus Andromedan mix, so thats really cool to hear! Astral projected for the first time when i was six. Andromedan starseeds or humanoids are said to be direct descendants of Lyrans who fled to Andromeda from the Lyra constellation. Please educate me. Let me know afterwards how it went! This starseed type really stuck out to me for multiple reasons I wont go into here. people always tell me i need to be more respectful of authority, which is true i suppose, but i just cant. I recommend and their soul origin reading to find out which one if you are unsure. Id love to meet you one day. Yeah such a beautiful comment thread , I recently found out 2020 I am a starseed yet Ive known since a very young age like 3 yrs old I was very very different then others. Thank you for this! Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. You dont think anyone should have to pay high taxes and you try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible.

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andromedan starseed birth chart